Protest voor Palestina en Libanon

On the 12th of October, we are protesting against the state of Israel that has been committing genocide against the Palestinian people for a year, and the Dutch government’s complicity in these crimes! We express our solidarity with the people of Lebanon who are now bombarded and murdered by the genocidal state of Israel.
We are letting our voices be heard on the 12th of October, meet us at 14.00 at the Tilburg Centraal Station! This is the time to expresses our grief and anger and to show that we resist our complicity in the genocide that Israel has been committing!
Bring ONLY Palestinian and Lebanese flags!
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
Hands off Lebanon! 🇱🇧
4 months ago
Station Tilburg Centraal
Spoorlaan, Dwaalgebied, Tilburg Centrum, Oud-Noord, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Nederland, 5038 EB, Nederland