Protest tegen samenwerking tussen TUe en Technion, en komst professor uit Technion

TU/e and Technion: Complicit in Oppression 🚨
Coming Tuesday, TU/e hosts a professor from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Did you know? Technion develops military technologies directly used in the oppression of Palestinians, including weapons tested on civilians.
By partnering with Technion, TU/e aligns itself with institutions complicit in war crimes. It’s time for our university to uphold its commitment to human rights.
📣 Join our action against this complicity!
📅 [Tuesday] 26th of November
📍Flixbus Eindhoven (John F. Kennedy Laan)
🕰️ 15:00
Together, let’s demand justice and accountability.
Bron eindhoven4palestine (Instagram=FB)
3 months ago
Flixbus John F Kennedylaan 2, Eindhoven
John F Kennedylaan 2, Eindhoven