Die-in Against UvA's Ties to Genocide

Door meerdere organisatoren (bron)
Tuesday 11th Feb, 18:45
Roeterseilandcampus, ABC main Hall
Join our die-in coming Tuesday at 18:45, to remind (possible future) students at the UvA of the university’s complicity in the ethic cleansing and occupation of Palestine. Through this action, we will let those interested in doing their masters at the UvA know what kind of university they are applying to.
We demand an immediate end to all ties with ‘Israeli’ institutions. Let’s show the UvA we will not stop until ALL of them are cut. THEIR HANDS ARE BLOODY TOO!
No business as usual during genocide! Free Palestine, from the river to the sea 🇵🇸
23 days ago
Roeterseiland Campus, Amsterdam
Roeterseiland (UvA), Roetersstraat, Weesperbuurt, Centrum, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland, 1018 WC, Nederland